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Research & Construction of Historical Undergarments

2021 Mass. Undergraduate Research Conference

Where Did We Come From and (Under)wear Are We Now?


Research by Elizabeth Rodio, Faculty Sponsor Michaela Petrovich​


Clothing and its structure has changed dramatically over the last 250 years. From stays, to corsets, to what we consider to be modern undergarments, underwear has always been made to support the clothing worn over it and has served many purposes throughout history. This presentation will explain the fundamentals of historical clothing, how it has evolved, and how we came to be wearing what we are today. Prominently featured will be several recreations of historic garments made specifically for this presentation, including stays, a chemise, a corset, and a crinoline.

We put our clothes on in the morning without a second thought as to why we are wearing bras and tee shirts as opposed to corsets and gowns. Society as a whole has undergone many changes since the 1780s, and this presentation aims to explore the changes that have occurred in our clothing along with the historical context surrounding said changes. It is important to understand our pasts, both on an individual and societal basis, and researching how our clothes have changed provides a familiar place to start. This presentation aims to be both informative and fun, and viewers will leave with some new knowledge and perhaps a deeper appreciation for the clothes they are wearing.

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